MyCritical Cover

At A Glance

Entry Age
18 - 45 years old (next birthday)
Policy Term
Yearly renewable term. Expires on the policy anniversary when Life Assured turns 70 years old (next birthday)
Basic Sum Assured
Min: RM10,000
Max: RM250,000
For more details on MyHospital Benefit,
view the FAQs

Critical Illness Coverage

100% of the Sum Assured will be paid if the Life Assured suffers from any of the 4 critical illnesses such as cancer, stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. This allows you to focus on getting better instead of worrying about medical costs.

Guardian Allowance

An additional 10% of the Sum Assured, up to RM 5,000 will be paid if the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the 4 critical illnesses. This helps reduce the mental and emotional stress faced by your loved ones as the financial support provided allows them to give you the best care for a faster recovery and better quality of life.

Get Covered With MyCritical Cover

This plan does not have any cash value as it is meant to be a pure protection plan. You are purchasing this directly from MCIS Insurance Bhd, a licensed insurer under the Financial Services Act 2013, regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.