

Because women deserve better

Daughter, wife, mother. You play many roles and constantly give more than you take. You’re always the care provider, but if anything should happen, will there be anyone to take care of you? With LadyCare, we put you first, giving you the security you need, whether financial or medical. Thus allowing you to focus on your own goals, whatever they may be.

Female Illness Benefit including female cancer, carcinoma in-situ, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis, facial reconstructive surgery due to accident, skin grafting due to skin cancer or accidental burning, and reconstructive surgery for breast(s) due to accident or breast(s) cancer
Golden Year Benefit upon age 50 including hip or femur fractures due to osteoperosis, and joint replacement surgery for arthritis
Periodic Health Assessment Benefit every 3 years

Optional Features (The benefit shall cease upon attained age 45)

Coverage for pregnancy complications including congenital anomalies and neonatal death
Death due to child birth

This product can be purchased as a premium paying rider and unit deducting rider.


The product information above is for general information only and it is NOT a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Brochure (if applicable), Sales Illustration (if applicable), Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract for full details.
