MYEarly CriticalAid

MYEarly CriticalAid

Protect yourself at different stages of illnesses

When it comes to critical illnesses, many plans don’t cover the early stages. So when you first detect any ailments, you’re left to cover the high medical costs on your own. MYEarly CriticalAid is a comprehensive insurance plan that protects you at different stages of a critical illness, giving you the worry-free assurance you need should the unexpected happen.

Comprehensive coverage for critical illnesses at different stages
Covers a total of 108 critical illnesses
Additional benefit for angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease and diabetic complications
Optional cancer recovery benefit
No waiting period between claims
Pays benefit for multiple critical illness categories

Staged Critical Illness Benefit*

  • Covers a total of 108 critical illnesses.
  • The amount of benefit payable is calculated as a percentage of the Rider Sum Assured based on the stages of the critical illness as below:
    Critical Illness Stages Payout (as % of Rider Sum Assured)
    Early 30%
    Intermediate 60%
    Advanced 100%
  • Any claim made for any critical illness stage will reduce the Rider Sum Assured until it becomes exhausted, upon which the rider shall then be terminated.

Multiple Claims

  • Unlike the traditional critical illness plan, you may claim more than once across different critical illness categories as long as the Rider Sum Assured has not been exhausted.
  • No waiting period in between claims.

Special benefits**

Additional coverage equivalent to 10% of the Rider Sum Assured for each of the following illnesses***:
a. Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease.
b. Any one of the three Diabetic Complications****.

optional benefit**

Cancer Recovery Benefit*
  • Provides an additional sum covered for cancer (“Cancer Sum Assured”) equivalent to 100% of the initial Rider Sum Assured.
  • The amount of benefit payable is calculated as a percentage of the Cancer Sum Assured based on the stage of the cancer as below:
    Stage of Cancer Payout (as % of Cancer Sum Assured
    Early 30%
    Intermediate 60%
    Advanced 100%
  • Any claim made for any stage of cancer will reduce the Cancer Sum Assured until it becomes exhausted, upon which this optional benefit shall then cease.

*If there are two or more critical illness events diagnosed from the same cause at the same time, only the later stage event with the highest benefit will be payable. In the case where these events have the same stage, only either one of the events will be payable.

**a. Any claim made under the Special Benefits and Optional Benefit will not reduce the Rider Sum Assured; and
   b. The Special Benefits and Optional Benefit will cease when 100% of the Rider Sum Assured has been paid under Staged Critical Illness Benefit regardless of whether claim has been made under these benefits.

***Only claimable once for each illness.

****Not applicable for persons with known history of diabetes prior to the commencement date or within the lapsation period of this rider.

The product information above is for general information only and it is NOT a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Brochure (if applicable), Sales Illustration (if applicable), Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract for full details.
